Guo Zhiwei came to investigate and guide the work


       On the afternoon of July 13, Guo Zhiwei, deputy director of the Department of Basic Research of the Ministry of Science and Technology, conducted a survey to guide the preparation of the State Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety. The researcher of the Basic Research Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Qiang Zhenhong, was inspected by Fan Yingzi, deputy inspector of the Tianjin Science and Technology Commission, Gao Ning, Director of the Basic Department, and Yin Yahui, Deputy Director of the Basic Department. President Han Jinyu and Vice President Lu Fuping met with the research group. Responsible comrades from the Science and Technology Department, the School of Food Engineering and Biotechnology and the School of Biological Engineering participated in the research activities.
      The research team visited the laboratories and exhibition rooms of the national key laboratories of food nutrition and safety in order to carry out on-the-spot investigations on research rooms, instruments and equipment, and conducted research on the contents of the research team leaders. Teamwork, scientific research results, personnel training, results transformation, and other aspects of in-depth exchanges.
      The State Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety construction briefing was held at Yifu Building 337, Binhai Central Campus. After listening to relevant reports, Guo Zhiwei affirmed the progress made in the preparation and construction work. He said that the establishment of a national food nutrition and safety laboratory, to support the sustainable development of China's food industry, strengthen basic research in the field of food nutrition and safety, and stimulate the vitality of research in local colleges and universities, hoping Tianjin Science and Technology Commission and Tianjin The University of Science and Technology can seize opportunities, make good use of national policies, further integrate resources, concise features, and identify positioning, and accelerate the preparation and construction of the State Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety. Guo Zhiwei also gave detailed guidance on concrete work such as the demonstration and improvement of the implementation of the next phase of key laboratories.
      Fan Yingzi, deputy inspector of the Tianjin Science and Technology Commission, said that the establishment of the National Key Laboratory is an important base for conducting high-level scientific and technological research, gathering scientific research personnel, and enhancing international academic exchanges. The University of Science and Technology has a good research in the field of food nutrition and safety. The foundation has gathered a group of high-level talents and has good hardware and software conditions. The Tianjin Municipal Government and the Science and Technology Commission will actively support the construction of key laboratories, and hope that the University of Science and Technology can further improve and upgrade in accordance with the requirements and guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology. All tasks have played a leading role in the development of food science in Tianjin and the country.
      Principal Han Jinyu, on behalf of the school, thanked the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Municipal Science Commission for guidance and assistance in the work of key laboratories. He said that the construction of key laboratories is the most important task of the school's work. The school will concentrate its resources on advancing relevant work and further strengthen and improve policy support, funding guarantees, software and hardware construction, and other aspects, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Municipal Science and Technology Commission. The leader’s request strives to achieve the goals of the national key laboratory as soon as possible. The school will rely on the construction of key laboratories, give full play to the advantages of TUST's traditional disciplines, actively integrate itself into the development and opening up of Binhai New Area, and make more contributions to promoting the development of the industry and serving the local economy and society.
     Director of the State Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety, and Vice President Lu Fuping: Objectives and significance of laboratory construction, construction plans, expected goals and major tasks for the next five years, research directions and main research contents, and research conditions At the level of talent team, foreign cooperation and communication capabilities, organizational structure and operation management, funding and safeguard measures, annual implementation plans and assessment goals, etc., they reported on the preparation and construction of the State Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety.